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Evans River K-12 School

Evans River K-12 School

Ours is the future

Telephone02 66826666


Sentral Parent and Student Portal

For two years now the school has invested considerable time and resources in the use of the Sentral software program. It is used extensively by staff for communicating, organisation, recording and sharing information. There have been many benefits to our school as a result of this. The software has a Student Portal and a Parent Portal which enables individuals password protected access to information about school events, organisation and student outcomes. We will be opening access to the Student and Parent Portals in a staged manner. Commencing next week we will open access to families with K-6 students enrolled. Information sessions will be held Wednesday 4 May and Wednesday 11 May 3-4 pm in room B2. All K-6 families are encouraged to access one of these sessions should they wish to learn more in a ‘training session'. If you are unable to make either of these sessions, you are encouraged to set up a separate time with Ms Sharpe. The school anticipates the portals becoming key communication tools for us (school and home).