Evans River K-12 School

Ours is the future

Telephone02 66826666


Project based learning

In year 7 and 8 the students of Evans River K-12 School are provided with the opportunity to participate in an engaging learning environment through a project based learning model.

Each week the students attend a double period focused on a set project.

Each project runs for 10 weeks and then the students rotate to a new project.

Each classroom has a minimum of two teachers from across faculities such as Science, PDHPE, Maths, TAS, English, Art and HSIE. 

Each of the staff members are trained in STEAM and are focused on developing future focused skills in collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and communication.

Some key projects that students take part in are:

1. Robotics and coding

2. Developing and building a racer

3. Designing and making a Comic Con character.

Project Based Learning