Assessment and Reporting Policy
Assessment is the process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information about a students' learning. The purpose of assessment is to provide information on student achievement and progress and set the direction for ongoing teaching and learning. Reporting is the process of communicating information about student achievement and progress.
The role of teachers is to use assessment to:
- Support student learning
- Monitor student learning
- Diagnose student needs
- Evaluate the effectiveness of our programs
- Inform student/parents about progress, and
- Assist accountability
Each learning area has an assessment policy that builds more specifically on this whole school policy. These policies also describe the processes used to determine class placement for different year groups.
Evans River K-12 School publishes Assessment Information Booklets for students in Year 7-12. These support the above beliefs. The booklets inform students and parents in general terms how each individual will be assessed in, each subject, and how marks and grades are arrived at.
Evans River K-12 School has developed a pro-forma for advising students and parents about an upcoming assessment task or tasks. This pro-forma will include information such as dates, faculty, teacher, topic and task information, marking guidelines.
Evans River K-12 School is developing outcome based reporting that is completed by staff at the end of each semester. It is being developed as a whole-school approach. The outcomes are linked to the assessment schedules and are then reported on individually in the reports. The reports are expressed in plain English and through consultation with the community are constantly being reviewed in order to enable parents to know how their children are progressing. Reports will be semester based.
The task of the student is to:
- Attempt all tasks to the best of their ability
- Be aware of the assessment schedule and seek assistance if needed
- Understand assessment requirements and rules
Parents and carers can help by:
- Understanding assessment processes
- Being aware of assessment booklets and requirements
- Attending parent/teacher information evenings
- Encouraging students to their best
- Contacting the school when they need assistance
Non-Completion of Course Requirements
To be eligible for a Preliminary HSC or HSC credential, principals must certify that all requirements have been met.
The satisfactory completion of course shows evidence that the student has:
a) followed the course developed or endorsed by the board; and
b) applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school; and
c) achieved some or all of the outcomes.
Where a student is in danger of not meeting the above requirements, they are issued with a warning letter that gives them the opportunity to redeem themselves. A minimum of two course specific warning letters must be issued prior to an "N" determination of a course being considered. It is the responsibility of each class teacher to monitor these requirements. The Head Teacher will offer documentation weekly on students who may be at risk of not meeting requirements. This may be in the form of attendance data.
In the event of a student not submitting an assessment task on th due date, they can approach the Deputy Principal and complete a Misadventure/Illness form. It is the student's responsibility to collect and have this form completed within twenty-four hours and submitted to the Head Teacher of that subject. The Head Teacher of the Faculty makes the final decision based on the evidence in the appeal.
Life Skills Assessment
A small percentage of students with special education needs will undertake Life Skill courses which have specified outcomes and content to be studied.
Assessment tasks will be appropriate to individual needs and will provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills across a range of situations and environments.